Additional Support Needs Assistant (Term Time Part Time)(Temporary) – REN11986


As an Additional Support Needs Assistant, you will be committed to working with young people/pupils with Additional Support Needs and be deployed to support young people within schools and other establishments across Renfrewshire.

Whilst responsible to the head teacher/head of establishment, you will work under the direction of and in partnership with nominated class teachers.

It is essential that you h...

Additional Support Needs Assistant (Gaelic Medium Primary Education)(Term Time Part Time)(Temporary) – REN12023


Ag obair mar Neach-taic Feumalachdan Taic a Bharrachd, feumaidh dleastanas a bhith agaibh a bhith ag obair le daoine òga/sgoilearan le feumalachdan taic a bharrachd agus a bhith cleachdte gus taic a thoirt do dhaoine òga ann an sgoiltean agus ionadan eile air feadh Siorrachd Rinn Friù.

Ged a bhios an ceannard aig ceann an stèidheachd, bidh sibh a’ gabhail stiùireadh bhon tidsear sa chlas far am bi sibh ag obair.


Additional Support Needs Assistant (Term Time Part Time)(Temporary) – REN12021


As an Additional Support Needs Assistant, you will be committed to working with young people/pupils with Additional Support Needs and be deployed to support young people within schools and other establishments across Renfrewshire.

Whilst responsible to the head teacher/head of establishment, you will work under the direction of and in partnership with nominated class teachers.

It is essential that you ...

Housekeeper (Part Time)(Permanent) – REN12025

Job Description

You will provide a consistent high-quality service in all areas allocated to you within the care home environment to ensure that the environment meets the requirements of the service specification and expectations of clients and staff alike.

Key tasks for which you will be responsible include; carrying out tasks relating to catering, cleaning and laundry services; ensuring that the clients’ dignity and confidentiality ...

Additional Support Needs Assistant (Temporary)(Term Time Part Time) – REN12018


As an Additional Support Needs Assistant, you will be committed to working with young people/pupils with Additional Support Needs and be deployed to support young people within schools and other establishments across Renfrewshire.

Whilst responsible to the head teacher/head of establishment, you will work under the direction of and in partnership with nominated class teachers.

It is essential that you have experience of working w...

Housekeeper (Sessional) – REN12010

Job Description

You will provide a consistent high-quality service in all areas allocated to you within the care home environment to ensure that the environment meets the requirements of the service specification and expectations of clients and staff alike.

Key tasks for which you will be responsible include; carrying out tasks relating to catering, cleaning and laundry services; ensuring that the clients’ dignity and confidentiality is maintained at a...

Housekeeper (Sessional) – REN12008

Job Description

You will provide a consistent high-quality service in all areas allocated to you within the care home environment to ensure that the environment meets the requirements of the service specification and expectations of clients and staff alike.

Key tasks for which you will be responsible include; carrying out tasks relating to catering, cleaning and laundry services; ensuring that the clients’ dignity and confidentiality is mainta...

Facilities Operative (Soft FM)(Inclusive of Cleaning & Catering)(Part time Term time) (Permanent) – REN11996


Cluster 5 - Renfrew

Renfrewshire Council is looking to recruit enthusiastic and skilled Facilities Operatives who can demonstrate the necessary skills and experience to deliver a high quality, modern Soft Facilities Management service in schools across Renfrewshire.

The successful candidates will have responsibility, at site level for the effective delivery of all aspects of the Soft FM service which inc...

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